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Employee to Leader Programme

One of the most crucial milestones in anyone’s career is moving from employee to leader. This journey often begins when a senior leader or manager recognises potential in a team member. It’s exciting, but it can be daunting without proper support and a solid understanding of the basics. You must help your top performers embark on their journey the right way. You need to provide the necessary support and invest in their future so they can add significant value to the future of your business. It isn’t all skills and capability either its mind set and self value which is of equal importance. 

We absolutely love watching the growth that happens within a short space of time when potential meets the ah-ha moments created within a programme facilitated by experts.


The Employee to Leader Programme is an investment that definitely pays for itself.


Programme covers:

Law Attorney

Employment Law

What are the watch outs and laws that we need to be on top of?

HR specialists talk to you about the most up to date laws and what you can do to accommodate those that effect the well-being of your employees and keep your business safe and compliant, all whilst being aware of best practice verses law and what that means you should do.

Diversity in the workplace 

(Elements include mental health, social value and cultural impact) 

Specialists join us to discuss:

- legal obligations as a leader surrounding diversity

- Mental health specialists talk about how we should approach the subject and how we should support each other

- discussion group on how we impact the culture of an organisation by the way we deal with diversity in the workplace 

Drinking Coffee


Budgeting, Forecasts, Profit and loss, RDEL, CDEL, building financially sound business case... what does it all mean?


Financial experts join us to give step by step guides and advice to running a finically effective business, from running a team, managing project costs, to understand the bottom line we cover it all so that you can move forward with a robust set of financial skills 

Task Management


Cultivate a workplace where employees feel valued and included.


Teaching Points:

  • Implementing inclusivity practices.

  • Establishing support systems for employee well-being.

Person Analyzing Statistics
Performance Meeting

Performance Management


Leverage a positive culture, where everyone feels treated fairly against understood benchmarks and expectations, to fuel sustainable growth.


Teaching Points:

  • Encouraging collaborative innovation.

  • Turning failures into learning opportunities.

  • The importance of a robust and understood framework

  • How to mange under performance the right way

  • Coaching and feedback

Structure and Frameworks

The rules and the guidelines.

- the importance of processes and procedures and what's the difference

- we discuss 'rules are made to be broken', well maybe revisited at least. 

- How can leaders influence compliance and encourage challenge at the same time.

- Why is it important to build frameworks for employees to understand and how do we make them relevant.

Business meeting
Support Group


  • Behaviours & Micro behaviours

  • Consistency

  • Integrity above all

  • The Unspoken Communication Secrets for leaders  (Maxwell DISC) 

  • You are worthy! – Worth verses Confidence

  • ​Resilience and mindset - Thinking Differently

Grow Your Leaders

Please follow the link below and complete the call back form, one of our team will be in touch with you to discuss when the next programme or retreat will be running and associated costs.

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